Many questions and answers get a lot of comments, even though comments are not intended for extended discussions. This issue has been raised before and some solutions have been suggested, for example:
- How to encourage moving comment-based discussion to chat? (2011),
- "Not in comments please" -- How to handle interesting discussions (2011),
- Should we have a chat box linking to the Symposium? (2017, not directly about the number of comments, but relevant),
- Why are comments not for discussion? (2018),
- Are we getting bogged down in comments? (2023).
One of the "tools" available on Stack Exchange is the Community♦-raised flag "20+ comments ...", which encourages people to move the discussion to a chatroom. I think twenty is a rather high number and would like to suggest to lower the current threshold, possibly to ten, so people are encourage to take the discussion to chat much sooner.
Update 04.09.2024: I have turned this into a feature request on Meta Stack Exchange: Make the threshold for the current Community♦-raised flag "20+ comments a site-specific parameter to allow lower thresholds.