In several of our more popular (by vote count) questions, answers without sources and largely not based in philosophy get massively upvoted and sometimes selected by the OP as answers.
Should there be anything we do about this? If so what?
If not, how do we avoid this leading to massive quality degradation?
( My suspicion is that what happens in these cases is that they appear as "hot questions" within the SE network and attract people who think philosophy is a synonym for either (a) their religion, (b) atheism, (c) a certain view of science [whatever] so long as it's not the core definition of philosophy.
To give an example, right now we have an answer with 36 upvotes and 6 downvotes that also is flagged as "not an answer". On my reading, it's not a great answer (it has a bigoted view of religion) and not philosophically sourced. But I'm also wary to mess with content that is largely upvoted.
I think this could but does not necessarily tie into an issue we face with certain both pro- and anti- religion questions where people vote their view rather than based on the philosophical quality of an answer.
What more is there to Philosophy than what we think? I don't get it
, the answer is quite a bit. Or more specifically, philosophy is both a discipline with a history and scholarship and what people have been thinking about. Both reinventing and forgetting and about "wheels" are poor ways of doing philosophy.