To me voting is a part of moderation, in that it separates good answers/question from not so good ones. Also it increases the helpfulness of this site: Without advocating a consensus-theory of truth, voting helps people finding the right answer, or at least the most helpful. And last but not least: The whole idea how participation on SE is motivated is by building up reputation. It motivates people giving good, well researched answers.
This month a total number of 9 (in words "nine") users casted votes. A total number of 155 votes have been cast. Which explains (on a mathematical level) why the average question/answer has round about 1.5 votes*. In helping users deciding which question/answer is a good one, this is borderline useless. Also it doesn't help motivating crafting good answers... much.
If there are so little votes distributed among the answers to a question, a single vote can do a lot of distortion: When I upvote an answer that is pretty good but not as good as the best answer, my vote will bring it vastly closer (in relative terms) to the best answer and maybe it doesn't deserve to be rated that good. So I caught myself checking if the vote-distribution on an question feels "appropriate" to me and adjust it carefully if necessary. This is something like a voting-dead-lock: One vote is worth so much, that almost no question/answer deserves it. So you don't vote. And the worth of a vote goes up and up...
I am aware that in philosophy a certain "everyone is wrong but me"-attitude is prevalent. And for a perfectly good reason: If I thought I was wrong, I'd change my opinion. So if someone says something, I don't believe, it must be wrong, so how can I upvote it, when I think it's wrong? But can't it be helpful anyway? Can't it be a good answer/question? And, yeah, granted: This answer totally ignores the refutation made by Platinga in 1987, and is so based on a substance-dualism... So it's not perfect! But is it helpful or not?
So my question is: Shouldn't we simply vote more? And if so: Is there something that can be done to encourage voting?
*I haven't really checked that number, it's more of an "educated feeling".