So do not have a philosophy degree however I am trained for physics. I am quite interested in the stands philosophy takes given the degree of freedom in physics.
However, I feel in this case whatever both sides are saying it is getting lost in translation.
Is there a system where it is impossible to tell the fundamental type of probability?
I am trying to ask something using well defined notions. However, part of my vocabulary is banned. For example,
- I also want to use the word symmetry breaking to make a point (so that way I can talk about non-unitary evolution without mention of the measurement)
- I want to use the concept "taking Planck's constant to 0" (which is more than substituting Planck's constant with 0)
My question is what can I do to make sense to a philosopher? Just for reference in my eyes the above question is just as philosophical as the below one:
Removal of the distinction between the "initial condition" and the "laws of physics"?