Timeline for On which stack exchange site should I ask this question?
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Oct 3, 2019 at 18:30 | comment | added | Frank Hubeny | @GeorgeNtoulos It is difficult to ask a good question on these SE sites. However, being able to ask such a question clarifies parts of the puzzle that can be used in the larger area of interest. Find out specific information that people know through questions and answers and then use that to formulate a better understanding. Sometimes a question asking for references may be specific enough to attract useful answers. | |
Oct 3, 2019 at 15:58 | comment | added | George Ntoulos | That is what Metrology the science of measurement studies. It guarantees that everyone should measure the same way(the define the proper way to measure). Language and Society is more of an idea than a thing(res) a physical entity. Philosophy studies ideas not physical entities. I can not ask something very pragmatic on Philosophy not expect short answers. | |
Oct 3, 2019 at 15:54 | comment | added | George Ntoulos | I should probably use the correct term en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%E2%80%93V_distinction. Good answers are usually long . Guidelines for Great Subjective Questions. stackoverflow.blog/2010/09/29/good-subjective-bad-subjective. meta.stackexchange.com/questions/243200/… It is not Physics Physics deals with Physical Quantities(which are physical entities) they have an inherent nature. A million people may measure the same physical quantity and they should come up with the exact same result(Save for Statistical Mistakes in the Measurement). | |
Oct 3, 2019 at 12:24 | comment | added | Frank Hubeny | @GeorgeNtoulos I don't know what "T-V" is, so a reference to that concept would be an opportunity to provide context. Find a philosopher who discusses T-V and that helps move the question to philosophy rather than sociology. To avoid it being confused with linguistics find tags with other posts that deal with similar issues. Finally, make sure the question can be answered briefly without using much personal opinion. This is a question-answer site not a blog for discussing topics. | |
Oct 2, 2019 at 22:00 | comment | added | George Ntoulos | If I tried to restrict it I would end up with a question that is stricly of topic(instead of too broad, vague or ambiguous). If I asked why did the English language relinquish/forsake T-V so Early while others just recently introduced it it would be a question for English/Linguistics and not Sociology. My question is more like How was the English society so as to abolish so quickly T-V? Does society explain the divergence in the use of Languages and are there any references? Is it the optimum approach to explain the divergence? | |
Oct 1, 2019 at 19:22 | history | edited | Frank Hubeny | CC BY-SA 4.0 |
Oct 1, 2019 at 19:15 | history | answered | Frank Hubeny | CC BY-SA 4.0 |