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Timeline for Bias against religion

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Sep 15 at 21:02 comment added JonathanZ I agree, it's all trash.
Sep 15 at 15:10 comment added Rushi Anyways... This thread proves my point: The elephant in the room is best treated as non existent. I'm flagging to remove the whole thread
Sep 15 at 15:09 comment added Rushi Kristian: You don't need to "go east" to escape the personality cult view of Christianity. The gnostic gospels of Thomas and Judas can also take you there
Sep 15 at 15:08 comment added Rushi You make my point better than I @JonathanZ. What you call "philosophy" I (along with much of the world) calls western/Christian philosophy
Sep 15 at 14:51 comment added Rushi I am telling you religion does notbdeal in facts. It deals in emotions attitudes orientations
Sep 15 at 14:49 comment added Kristian Berry @Rushi you are telling me, on the basis of a theory of interpretation of the Bible that I don't believe in, to interpret the Bible in a way that I think is factually mistaken. Why would I do that?
Sep 15 at 14:47 comment added Rushi Once you grok that you would see it's the same for Jesus. Eg I am the Resurrection and the Life translates to The I-Am principle (YHWH in Hebrew, atman in sanskrit) is the Resurrection and the Life
Sep 15 at 14:46 comment added Rushi Well clearly for you there's a great deal of emotion on these matters. My earnest suggestion: Don't take it all personally. If it could be at all meaningful I suggest you study the Bhagavad Gita. In many ways Krishna makes extreme ultimate statements v much like Jesus. Yet somehow the cultural matrix in which it is embedded makes it at least possible if not easy to see that Krishna is not speaking about himself but about foundational principles.
Sep 15 at 14:37 comment added Kristian Berry @Rushi somewhere else he makes salvation depend on whether you deny him in front of God's throne, he tells people to throw away everything they love to follow him, etc. Now they say you can infer anything and everything from a contradiction, so I suppose from this contradiction you can get, "Everyone is a Christian," if you like.
Sep 15 at 14:36 comment added Rushi @JonathanZ You a fan of Torquemada?
Sep 15 at 14:34 comment added Rushi Kristian but you neglect the immediate next verse, why?? And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Spirit it shall not be forgiven him To an oriental it's crystal clear: Jesus is not interested in personality cults, around him or anyone. Instead he proclaims the universal atman (holy spirit)
Sep 15 at 14:23 history edited Kristian Berry CC BY-SA 4.0
added 110 characters in body
Sep 15 at 14:07 comment added JonathanZ "everyone here is a Christian". Fuck off, hard.
Sep 15 at 13:56 comment added Kristian Berry @Rushi I mean Jesus claims that whoever isn't for him is against him, but also whoever isn't against him is for him. Well, what on Earth does that even mean? I don't really know, but I do know that I am myself against him, now, for that he failed to accomplish the only thing he was supposed to do, because he was deluded into thinking that the passion would accomplish his (human) purpose. And so instead of saving the world, he has nearly damned it. So don't I think of him as my, and humanity's, enemy, then?
Sep 15 at 13:44 comment added Kristian Berry @Rushi that's just more Christian supremacism, in a possibly even more nauseating form: "Everyone already secretly is on my side!" Well, I should go ahead and declare that every Christian is really Jewish and atheistic, that every Muslim is really a Hindu, and so on and on, while we're at it we can wipe out every last distinction between beliefs there is and declare everyone to believe in everything. Why not? (P.S. not Hubeny, some guy who just had "Frank" as his username.)
Sep 15 at 13:36 comment added Rushi Likewise to an oriental like myself all here (well lets say 90%) are christian. If that is incomprehensible (some seem to get offended) I could say at greater length: A native of the erstwhile Christendom
Sep 15 at 13:16 comment added Rushi Normally I don't tend to vibe with tkruse antitheist positions but I find I agree with this sibling meta post. To wit If christians are evangelizing (ie spamming) way more than others, the "anti spam" filters directed against that need to be correspondingly and ie unequally beefed up. However this ignores the elephant in the room — everyone here is a Christian, the Christians of course but also atheists, jews, seculars, marxists... As Rabbi Sachs to Dawkins Richard you may be an atheist but youre a Christian atheist.
Sep 15 at 12:58 comment added Rushi If it's Frank Hubeny you've in mind — he was certainly balanced and widely read — this is his last post — in short one of the hundreds of casualties the of Monica Celio
Sep 15 at 12:34 history answered Kristian Berry CC BY-SA 4.0