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Questions tagged [feature-request]

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9 votes
4 answers

Should we change the text on our comment link?

I wanted to ask you people whether you agree with the following suggestion: Should we change the link-text of the link that lets us add comments from "Add a comment" to "Improve this ...
0 votes
1 answer

Chat Considered Harmful

Could we just not use the Chat feature? If things get that out of hand then TILT - Game Over - put in a new quarter and start again. I don't see a point in embalming bad discussions in little boxes ...
4 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to filter individuals

I would like a way to view new questions, but filter out particular posters so it's a bit more readable. Is this possible?
3 votes
5 answers

Better ways to improve questions: Sandbox/Workshop post? Chat? Template for Meta?

This came up before in 2019 and in 2017 but I want to restart the discussion. Sometimes posts are closed and they need a bit of discussion to reach a state where they're ready to be reopened. I don't ...
16 votes
6 answers

Subjective Questions: Deciding what we want as a community

Introduction Greeting, fellow lovers of wisdom! I apologize for the length, but this is an important topic that has come up repeatedly, one that has never been completely addressed, and I feel the ...
4 votes
2 answers

Should the threshold for the Community♦-raised flag "20+ comments" be lowered from 20 to, for example, 10?

Many questions and answers get a lot of comments, even though comments are not intended for extended discussions. This issue has been raised before and some solutions have been suggested, for example: ...
6 votes
5 answers

General chat for philosophy SE seems very inactive

Should something be done to improve the responses from chat room? It could be helpful for friendly discussion or some relief in anxious or confused moment. Unfortunately the room is very non ...
5 votes
8 answers

Can't we come up with a 404 philosopun?

Many SE sites have a funny 404 page. We don't. Can't we come up with some philosopun for the 404 page?
4 votes
3 answers

Red Hot subjects and agit-prop

Some issues that are very current and very hot, come up here on occasion — fortunately much less often than on politics-SE but still it does happen. Is it of any use? To anyone or cause? Repeating ...
32 votes
4 answers

How can we get mathematical formatting on Philosophy Stack Exchange?

I think Philosophy.SE ought to have LateX availability in text input, because there are going to be a lot of formal logic questions. How can we get LateX, or a comparable math typesetting feature, on ...
0 votes
0 answers

Request to Enable MathJax/LaTeX Rendering on Philosophy Stack Exchange [duplicate]

I am ready to formally propose we enable this on this site to whoever has the power to enable it. I actually could not find information about that with a little Googling. Can a moderator please ...
1 vote
1 answer

Recurrent Question Type (RQT): “Is X ethical?”

Compile all known examples of such questions as links in a community wiki answer to this post. Offer an analysis in paragraph or bullet form about what you think the questions have in common. Suggest ...
1 vote
0 answers

Is it possible to reform the method of downvoting?

I was just downvoted for no apparent reason and I have just about had it with PSE. When I vote to close a post, my name becomes public to a lot of people and, in most instances, I have to give a ...
9 votes
0 answers

Can we please get math notation, once and for all?

I hope I don’t need to make a persuasive case for this, but I will if requested. Let’s get math notation like math.stackexchange has. Immediately. (It is like drawing a picture with a cast on, trying ...
0 votes
0 answers

Please color links on meta

I have seen the links are black in the meta site and they are just underlined. Please make them colored like other per-site metas on SE. A link should be different than the rest of the words so that ...
1 vote
0 answers

Disabling answer ban by editing old answers

I got a answer ban for I used different language in SE. I believe that I some edit these. This ban will disabled as automatic by my forum contributions. I have 9 point :/. What am I missing or doing ...
1 vote
0 answers

MathJax or logical symbolsets? [duplicate]

Could we enable MathJax or a subset of it to support logical explication?
1 vote
1 answer

Could we get more options/reasons for closing questions?

Recently I posted a question on the PSE that initially gathered quite a few interesting responses and many cogent comments. I thanked contributors and approved the response I found the most precise ...
1 vote
1 answer

Breakdown of repuation points by questions answered and questions asked

I'm assuming that the reputation points have some other value than personal gratification. I believe a person whose reputation is built by primarily by asking questions only is not an expert in ...
0 votes
1 answer

The problem with deletions

I saw lots of bot answers deletions and it's good that mods clean this GPT stipidity from site. But there are drawbacks as well. Pretty often some useful answers are deleted with comments etc. So mods ...
1 vote
0 answers

Is there a way to recommend someone for wider Stack Exchange infractions?

Hypothetically, if a user has decided to troll the philosophy stack exchange with (say) personal harassment and deliberately aggressive answers, but has an active presence on other, non-philosophy SE ...
0 votes
0 answers

How can one improve downvoted content? [duplicate]

For improving the quality of content downvoting is useless if the downvoter does not tell what is wrong with the question or answer. How can I improve my content if I don't know what is wrong? ...
4 votes
4 answers

Can we have a Frequently Asked Philosophical Questions Meta post?

There are recurring philosophical questions that generate duplicates, as well as "basic" philosophical questions that are often being asked in the SE. There are Meta questions that discuss this (...
0 votes
0 answers

First answers queue and questions with closing votes

I just gained access to the "First answer" queue and reflected on something. It seems that questions which are borderline, that is, have received some negative feedback (I am not able to see ...
0 votes
0 answers

Could we rename "Close" to "Flag for Review"?

So it seems people get annoyed when their question is "Closed". The reasoning behind closing a question is generally to maintain a certain "answerability" requirement, without ...
-1 votes
1 answer

The Winter Bash hats. Why?

I have been issued several new hats. I do not like them because they are pointless. I would like to opt out.
0 votes
1 answer

Lack of clarity in a VTC option

So one of the "reasons that can be given" here for a VTC is: While this question may be related to philosophy or occur in a philosophical context, the question itself doesn't seem to be ...
1 vote
0 answers

How Do I Go about Securing a Change in the Bounty Mechanism If Possible?

During my periods of contribution, I frequently find myself editing posts to stave off closure. This is incentivized with the Copy Editor badges. An example of that is defending the notion that '...
2 votes
1 answer

Is there an option to have pinned posts on the main site?

I know this might need to be a feature request on Meta.SE but I wanted to know if there might already be some option to do this. I'm thinking of how we can have information available for new (and not-...
2 votes
1 answer

Friends, how can we shift from meta Q&A to action?

In a prior meta Q&A, it was suggested that moderators would benefit from clarifications from the community. Certainly, our moderators currently are even-handed, but there seems to me to be a myth ...
0 votes
1 answer

What does removal from site for reasons of moderation mean

When I went to search for this question:, which had earlier been closed, I was confronted ...
6 votes
4 answers

Friends, how could a question about an idea with its own article in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy be closed as off-topic?

1) Why was the following post closed? What does "disposition" mean in a philosophical context? It's clearly a question of analytic philosophy related to the philosophy of mind and indirectly ...
8 votes
0 answers

APIs, Scripts, Browser Add-Ons, and PhilSE Backend

2020-11-07: Since asking, I've found a link to in another post. Arrrrgh, Unfurling of Flag In the spirit of shared ownership, I'm seizing this ghost ship (read inactive post) to ...
2 votes
1 answer

Can we have an option to close a question for being easily answerable?

We often have on this site questions that are very easily answered in the comment (even so simple that it could've been sorted with a quick google search). I wouldn't go into examples as there are ...
1 vote
1 answer

low-quality answers

I get that answering on Philosophy SE doesn't require a degree, but shouldn't the answers be at least slightly academic? I won't link the question here because it could be considered a conflict of ...
1 vote
1 answer

How can I best ask ontological engineering questions?

I try to bring up things such as the incoherence of trying to construct the notion of a set containing itself from the perspective of ontological engineering and get voted down on a non-ontological ...
2 votes
0 answers

Vote-to-close reasons

I never exercise my vtc And then this question came along and I did. And was disappointed to find no reason strong enough – I wanted to say "Because you're bullshitting". Evidently you cant. ...
3 votes
2 answers

Should downvotes have explanations?

Firstly I know this is beating a dead horse. I'm not even going to link all the previous discussions. They are easy to find. But I would draw attention to a scenario presented to me by this: https://...
3 votes
3 answers

Can we remove "theology" from the scope of philosophy.SE?

The SE communities already include Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and there is even a Biblical Hermeneutics community. Anyone posting theological questions can consult those communities. ...
6 votes
2 answers

Retracting a close vote?

Is there any way to retract a close vote? I know that you can get rid of downvotes (and upvotes, for that matter), if the post has been edited. In fact, I recently made a trivial edit (adding a comma ...
1 vote
0 answers

Can we add a new description to the "off-topic because" list?

I just noticed Joseph close a question What can suffice as a scientific proof for God? to what domain can such a proof belong to? as "not constructive" with an excellent description: As it ...
1 vote
1 answer

Do edits really need to bump a post in the "active tab"?

A few minutes ago I changed one word in an answer from years ago and I noticed the post (which was closed, in fact) was bumped to the top of the active tab. Is that something that's really desirable ...
8 votes
0 answers

Should we have a chat box linking to the Symposium?

Many custom pages like SciFi & Fantasy have chatrooms permanently linked directly in their sidebar. As not many of you will remember, we actually do have a general chatroom in philosophy as well: ...
1 vote
0 answers

Make "move conversation to chat" easier from the very beginning of the discussion

When a discussion starts in the comments, it's not easy to open a chat room and copy all the comments to it. It's easier to wait for that message about "moving the conversation to chat", that does ...
5 votes
0 answers

Can questions with "Quantum", "Entanglement", "Wave function" and "Superposition" go straight to a moderator for review?

I'm noticing that questions that involve lots of QM jargon tend to also be very poor and subjective, and seem to be adding to the overall noise level on the site. Is there a way that such questions ...
1 vote
1 answer

migration suggestions missing?

Didn't there used to be an option to add the url of a more appropriate forum for a question to be asked in? What is the procedure for suggesting a more appropriate forum? If there is not an option to ...
4 votes
1 answer

can we prohibit erasure of comments?

comments often respond to other comments. if the latter are deleted, the former make no sense. my view is that once you've said it, you should be prepared to take the consequences. erasure of ...
18 votes
3 answers

Can we modify the site's short description?

At, the short description under Philosophy is "Q&A for those interested in logical reasoning". I think this is somewhat misleading and diverts potential traffic away ...
6 votes
0 answers

'Missing context' close reason: remove 'other details'?

We currently have a close reason that was originally intended for zero-effort homework and now reads: This question is missing context or other details. Please improve the question by providing ...
1 vote
1 answer

Updating Philosophy.SE practices to allow for Rebuttals and edits

I would like to offer a suggestion to improve the Standard Practices for administration of the Philosophy.SE. I see that it is not irregular for hasty down-votes and closes, and that this is causing ...