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4 answers

Is philosophy stack exchange Philosophy 101, or is it a place for ideas?

There is a place for signposting philosophy students or amateur philosophers, but is it acceptable to develop ideas through Q&A without being closed for "opinion"? Is it possible that ...
Meanach's user avatar
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How should I frame a question about the soundness of a particular objection to an argument?

I came across a particular argument and associated objection in philosophy of the mind. Both the argument and the objection can't be sound, but I can't find where either goes wrong. I thought I'd come ...
Eonema's user avatar
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Why was my question closed?

Is there a perfect duty against gatekeeping? Why was my question closed? In general, can we not rush to close question without reasons?
andrós's user avatar
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Am I really "flooding the site with nonsense questions"?

e.g. When someone profits from injustice, is life less meaningful? What can make death not a bad thing? What is "high art"? Personally, I feel I am being closed too often, not vice versa. I ...
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2 answers

Request for clarification: quoting sources you haven't read (yes/no)?

Is it OK? In no way am I trying to appear better read than I am. I spend much of my free time googling, and so reading, philosophy, and I have sat, and actually passed, an undergraduate degree in ...
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What's wrong with this question?

I just asked this question and it got downvoted, however no commentary was provided on how to improve it, so, unless it's spam, could anyone please provide me with feedback on what is wrong with it? ...
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Is the issue that my questions are vulgar or that they are difficult?

Here's an example Does the existence of eudemonia today depend on a certain level of wealth or monetary income? It is vulgar, we're all interested in what the answer is, but then the "answer"...
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“Who is more at fault, the one who started it or the one who did the most damage?”: Is this on-topic?

I would like to ask a question along the lines of “Who is more at fault, the one who started it or the one who did the most damage?” I would like to know if this is considered within the scope of this ...
hb20007's user avatar
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How can I ask this "am I right question": any ideas?

My philosophy acquaintances are busy and or bored When the future now will end the past now will not (FN =/= PN) The present now will have ended when some past now will end (PN -> TN) When the ...
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Is this a good question?

Which branch combines solipsism and monism? Which branch of philosophy builds upon and whole-heartedly accepts that only self exists and the universe is the part/creation of self by eliminating the ...
tejasvi's user avatar
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Procedure for Asking a Question about a Extremely Controversial Topic

There is a question I want to ask, but it is about an extremely controversial position in sexual ethics. I think there is a technical error in the logic one prominent philosopher uses to support this ...
E Tam's user avatar
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What to do with multiple posting?

After posting various questions (that are similar, but different - during the time frame permitted by the community, with a space of 40min between each), I received the following comments With 4 ...
Gonçalo Peres's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Friends, Are We Philosophers and What is the Purpose of This Site?

Is this site for philosophical questions or questions about philosophy? I asked a philosophical question (what is an author) and it got closed, since it was “off topic”. I thought the site was for ...
Doragon's user avatar
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What can I do in my specific case to show my positive contribution to the site to get my question ban lifted?

What can I do in my specific case to show my positive contribution to the site to get my question ban lifted? I just asked this question several different ways on the SE meta site and the answer ...
polcott's user avatar
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Asking a brand new question that has never been answered before counts as a bad question?

Is Haskell Curry's unconventional way of defining True(x) incorrect? Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Update the question so it can be answered with ...
polcott's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is it Okay to Say Goodbye?

Before asking a question to justify this post I'd like to take the opportunity to mention that I'm leaving and thank everybody for the interesting discussions. I didn't want to just walk away. For me ...
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I am trying to understand why the now editted question is still off-topic. I am looking for a necessary and sufficient condition to classify some/any arbitrary treatment as a treatment merely as a ...
George Ntoulos's user avatar
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Is this question too much about life?

There seems to be a tension between having moral beliefs, real knowledge or not, and how people who don't share in them are more likely to get what they want. This in turn undermines my belief in the ...
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-3 votes
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When do we need to clairify terms?

I've received 3 negative votes on this question, and no comments that aren't nonsense Can missing times concretely exist? Am I meant to define every term I use which anyone at all could struggle ...
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How can I best ask ontological engineering questions?

I try to bring up things such as the incoherence of trying to construct the notion of a set containing itself from the perspective of ontological engineering and get voted down on a non-ontological ...
PL_OLCOTT's user avatar
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Would this question on karma and rape from Hinduism SE be accepted on this site?

A user asked this question on karma and rape on Hinduism SE but it was heavily downvoted by users, then closed and deleted. Users there argued that such questions justify rape. I on the other hand ...
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On which stack exchange site should I ask this question?

Where should I ask Language and Sociology?
George Ntoulos's user avatar
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Are "how do I begin with XYZ" questions on topic here?

Are "how do I begin with XYZ" questions on topic here? They have appeared before, but I'm not sure they're really suitable.
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Is there a sandbox at Philosophy SE or is Meta good enough for that?

I've found out at WorldBuilding SE that if I have a very complicated question which needs to be fine tuned but I fail to do so myself, there is a sandbox. My question is actually more or less a ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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3 answers

Defference of a Biology/Taxonomy question to Philosophy

What are the sufficient criteria that make an entity a living homo sapiens? [on hold] It is sadly common to see OPs not really understanding that terms definition is a question of philosophy. Unless ...
George Ntoulos's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is it acceptable to ask for a question about the (possible) name of a philosophical concept?

I wonder if a particular philosophical concept/idea/thought experiment has a name. Since I have no idea where to begin with looking it up, can I describe what it's about in a question and expect an ...
VLAZ's user avatar
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My question over problem building has been put on hold as unclear, is it clearer now?

My question on problematization has been put on hold. I've clarified and added references on problematization, i.e. problem/paradox building. Is it clearer now ?
Revolucion for Monica's user avatar
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Please consider leaving comments if you routinely downvote the same person or people!

Please leaving comments if you routinely downvote the same person or people! Assume the person wants to learn if they keep asking questions Assume the person can learn if they are not banned due to ...
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So I figured out what makes a good question: what is likely to generate good answers. What is a good answer?

So I figured out what makes a good question: what is likely to generate good answers. What is a good answer? I'm sure this has come up before, but, what, basically, is a good answer, beyond one that ...
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-2 votes
2 answers

Is learning an issue here?

I found this, which doesn't apply to learning philosophy imo "Stack Exchange is about questions with objective, factual answers" It's objective and (sometimes) factual to quote people. It's just not ...
Rortian's user avatar
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How can I fit this question about class into the site remit?

Is there anything analogous to the withdrawal of labour in a mass strike, on the internet? Obviously, Marxists talk about the internet. And e,g. this paper I haven't read (I lack library access) on ...
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Questions that are not authentic questions

Sometimes, not only on philosophy stackexchange but also on other sites on the SE network, we usually have ideas that are not exactly questions to be answered, but rather topics to discuss with other ...
SmootQ's user avatar
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Questions when one has done a LOT of reading and thinking already

I am looking for posting advice. Phil SE encourages quesitioners to do a lot of reading beforehand, and post the reading they have done, when asking or assistance in answering a question. Now, I ...
Dcleve's user avatar
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Should people be down-voting questions that incorporate an assumption they disagree with on philosophy SE

I'm guessing that's why this question was down-voted. The down-voter disagreed with the opinion expressed in it. Acute or chronic suffering and pain: does anyone talk about their difference? But, in ...
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Can we ask questions oriented about philosophy in academies and books?

Can I ask questions about academic/books issues regarding philosophy? What I mean is can I ask a question not primarily about philosophy but about how philosophy is done in an academic setting ...
captindfru's user avatar
5 votes
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Can we please have a "Why do things matter?"/"What is the meaning of life?" question?

So, I ask myself the question: "What is the meaning of life?" Since I've been on SE for a few days, even before joining the philosophy branch I'm fully aware that this is a bad subjective question. ...
SK19's user avatar
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Do we have a list of users who have taught adults philosophy? [duplicate]

I was pleased to read in reply to one question (about ethics) an answer from someone who had taught both community college and in higher education. I'm asking because the site makes no sense to me, ...
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-1 votes
1 answer

Why aren't you "pointing out flawed arguments and schemas"?

Wanna-be-philosophers really hate when you point their flawed arguments and schemas. This was the somewhat salty comment to my answer (I know) on meta about how we need more references in answers. ...
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What are the rules of this site on definitions?

What are the rules of the site on definitions? I asked a question on how four terms are different, and it was swiftly closed, despite having enough context to make sense. There's probably hundreds ...
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Is it OK to ask questions just because it may make for a good answer?

Would you trust philosophy.stackexchange to unequivocate something you just read? It seems like these are the better questions. But maybe we're aiming too high. Is it OK to ask questions just ...
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1 vote
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What sort of clarity are we being asked for here?

Could a Marxist claim that interpreting the world is all that a Marxist vanguard can do (but that the working class can still change it)? It was claimed that this question was "unclear", an idea that ...
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Could we have a silly season - again?

Last Summer, the idea was floated around that we have a silly season, were people could ask fun or humorous questions? Can we try that this year?
Alexander S King's user avatar
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Can I stop someone answering my questions?

Can I stop a specific person answering my questions?
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-2 votes
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Are too many questions being closed because of how they are phrased?

Are too many questions being closed because of how they are phrased? I don't mean questions that are un-understandable, what are they even asking, but one's which people think are a bad fit for the ...
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General Philosophy StackExchange Questions

I study computer science and intend to work in that, so I'm more frequently on anything closely related to StackOverflow, which might be more core to StackExchange than this particular area of the ...
Slayer0248's user avatar
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(REOPENED) How to not confuse people about what I'm asking [with Adorno/culture q]?

On this question, I ask a specific question how is Adorno suggesting we respond to culture, to regain out particularity? But the question was closed. The moderator first claimed to not ...
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Can a question be too broad even if it asks a specific not broad question?

Can a question be too broad even if it asks a specific not broad question? e.g. If Christian ethics are poison to Nietzsche's higher types -- what about conventional aesthetics? seems not to be ...
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Titles that ask "X on Y"?

Titles that ask "X on Y", are they permitted? Two recent examples: Nietzsche on the idea of Alienation and Quine on higher set theory
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Counterfactuals on philosophy.stackexchange?

One of the mods said something I found curious Migrated to History, but now that I think about it maybe counter-factual really isn't appropriate anywhere on SE -- outside possibly worldbuilding?...
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How clear do we have to be about the use of a term to ask a question that contains it?

According to Confucius, can non-virtue be learned ... This is an interesting idea, but it seems like we first need to (a) know whether virtue can be learned, (b) know what Confucians would ...
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