Questions tagged [accepted-answer]

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4 votes
0 answers

Should we try to reduce the number of unanswered questions by direct effort?

We have an annual cleanup which basically only turns the title to a question in a grammatical sense, independent from their status (accepted answer). I looked a bit through the unanswered questions ...
Philip Klöcking's user avatar
  • 13.9k
2 votes
1 answer

Low Number of Questions with Accepted Answers?

I am a bit troubled, based on my other .SE experience, with the apparently low percentage of questions with accepted answers. Do some of the mods have access to the stats, and do these stats compare ...
Dennis's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Should I post a new answer to a question that already has an accepted answer?

Is it useful and appropriate to answer questions for which an answer has already been selected as the right one? To get a better feeling of how this site works, I started to browse old questions. ...
DBK's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Friends, what are the criteria for marking answers as correct?

The Stack Exchange network suggests, as one of the criteria to determine the health of a beta site, that you should have answers accepted with a good frequency. I worry that this may not happen much ...
Pradeep's user avatar
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