Right now, the help center states:
"With your help, we're working together to build a library of detailed answers to every question about philosophy."
Is that really what we are doing?
Should we change the description of the site?
Right now, the help center states:
"With your help, we're working together to build a library of detailed answers to every question about philosophy."
Is that really what we are doing?
Should we change the description of the site?
We have to be careful not to turn the help center into some kind of law book where every possible way for something to be off topic is described, and anything that doesn't fall in those categories is not allowed to be closed.
Sure, the help center is a very handy resource, but in the end the best way to get to know the site is by using it. Once you have gained more experience, you recognise the types of questions that cannot be answered very well in the SE format. This is why users with some level experience have the possibility to close questions. Why these questions are unanswerable can often be told, however, it is difficult to make up general rules. The help center does that to some extent, but don't forget that there will always be some room for interpretation.
Perhaps the help center is wrong in that it seems to imply that any question about philosophy is on topic. We could remove the 'every' part:
With your help, we're working together to build a library of detailed answers to questions about philosophy.
However, users should also note that there are important differences between 'questions about philosophy' and 'philosophical questions', although there is some overlap.
I say leave it as is and meet the challenge. Only by taking on, editing, and refining the Q&A inbox can we build a stack that contains great questions and answers.
Like the original site that we are a child of, Our top rated questions should get people excited about philosophy, and expand their knowledge simultaneously.