I'm already expecting several downvotes on this questions and probably others...
I've been perusing some answers on this community, and compared to others (e.g. Mathematics, Physics, Christianity, Economics, etc) it seems here many users without proper 'formation' who are able to give answers about what they think it's right, and not get downvoted as long as they answer from the right side of the 'fence', even if their answer is clearly poor either in references, or basis. In itself there would be nothing wrong with this, if the point of these type of communities weren't in some way academical/encyclopaedic. What can I learn from people just voicing their opinion about their personal beliefs, instead of ground-founded research, even if we may disagree with some notions. This phenomenon is really intense in questions related to God and Religion...
I'm not here to criticize in a bad way this community, in fact, I would like to participate intensively in it, in the only way I can at first, which is by asking questions, and to educate myself, and then if possible, to meaningfully answer some questions.
The way the users will answer to this critique(intended in a positive way) will most definitely show the current state of maturity of this community, and the way how this critique will be dealt with will show in what sense/direction the users would like to develop this community.