There was this question on the status of love in the religion of Sikhism.
I dare say I am more in a position to be able to give an informed answer here than most others who are likely to take sikh as a misspelling of sick!! [Not counting Swami Vishwananda who's spent his life studying this because he's not regularly contributing here any more]
Below my answer tkruse put this comment
None of this is philosophy. The emotional affect of the biological mother of the OP is not a philosophy argument, but totally irrelevant. Nor does philosophy need to follow the physics of household furniture. So this is all off-topic preaching.
The specific, local and minor reason for my opening this (meta) question is that I assume he's also flagged my answer as "not an answer".
But there's a bigger more global reason:
This particular user has on multiple occasions claimed:
Phil-SE is a secular site
This seems a harmless and natural enough claim. Until one examines the equivocation that arises from sliding between polysemous meanings of 'secular':
In the original meaning (laicite post the French revolution) it meant there is no official state religion and people could profess and practice as they please as long as they don't impose onto others.
Over time as more and more liberal (so-called) thought has gone mainstream, it has morphed into constricting religion into narrower and narrower spheres.
Inter alia I recommend the work of Brad Gregory who draws a long but straight line from the Protestant Reformation of Luther to modern secularism a couple of centuries later. I've alluded to it briefly here. He describes the 'Reformation" as religion being more than just religion in catholicism to becoming less and less from the Reformation through secularism to the 21st century
So is this a secular site? And in which sense?
This is topical since obstreperous opinionated users like this one who's main contributions are flags and VTCs rather than questions or answers are more and more becoming the the rudder of this site. Eg. My answer discussed here was closed whereas when user JD asks about the canon, a question that should have importance both on main and on meta, it is ignored by the complainants and deleted by the mods!
In increasing order of magnitude
- Tkruse flag if it exists. It's a minor nuisance if they're opinionated and slightly more if the mods agree
- Their comment — discussed above
- Their answer which expands on the clueless opinionatedness and brazenly pushes their own scientismistic materialistic views that are irrelevant to the question/questioner
- But worst of all is not tkruse but Ted Wrigley's answer which pushes colonial tropes. I briefly allude to them in comments below the question but it's no point saying more if the mods are going to obediently wield the mod hammer.
Hence this question.
My other question on religion bias.